Thursday, April 29, 2010


more days until I am officially finished with my first year of college. What a year it has been. That recap will have to be another entry though since I have a feeling this one will be long on its own, seeing as I haven't updated since last Tuesday. I'm slacking.

Last Tuesday: as I said in that post, boring. Don't remember a thing about it.

Last Wednesday: Didn't have my 8 AM. That was nice. Chris came up. We went to see Date Night. That movie was so funny! Tina Fey and Steve Carell are hilarious. We ate at Sonic and I got a sting ray toy! Yay! I want all twelve of them. I need to eat there some more. Overall, Wednesday was good. I don't remember so many details. But hey, if Chris was here, then it was a great day.

Last Thursday: Don't remember. Sorry I wait so long to make these posts. I have been busy lately with finals coming up. I honestly don't remember a single thing about Thursday. Wow.

Friday: LAST GEOLOGY LAB EVER! Talk about amazing! Iftekhar, my GTA, finally started to like us, but still, I won't miss him that much. Haha. Got out of math early and headed home. Hung out with Chris. My Delia*s stuff came in! It was all so cute! Ate of O`Charley's with Mom. We got the thing where you can pick different meats to go on it. We got bite-size shrimp, chicken fingers, and ribs. With fries and she ate the salad. Talk about delicious. Not to mention we got the mini chocolate brownie thing. Yummy! The rain came early that night, too. But it wasn't too bad as far as I remember.

Saturday: Hung out with Chris. Ate Sonic again (got a starfish that time!). Vivi and her little brother, Tristan came over. They brought Moe's, so I had some chips and queso too. Then Tris played games on the Sega Genesis and Wii for like four hours while Chris, Viv, and I hung out and talked. Then Chris had to go to work. Viv and I caught up: we really needed to! I haven't hung out with her in forever. Then we watched videos on YouTube and had a lot of fun. Dad went to go hang out with some friends so I was kinda scared, haha. I did some studying, but mostly I just did crap on the computer like usual.

Sunday: Went to Calvary with Chris. Mark, our old youth pastor, was in town! It was so great to see him. He is moving back here. I'm pumped. I can't wait to go to Calvary again on Wednesdays like the good 'ole days. Then, my dad, Chris and I went to Outback to eat. That was good too. Geeze, all this eating. Melanee and I need to get back to working out! Ha! Like that's going to happen... we'll see. I really do wanna work out this summer though. I want to feel in shape. But like I said, we'll see. Anyway, after Outback Chris and I went to Movie Stop and he bought Little Miss Sunshine. After hanging out at the house for a bit, Dad, Chris and I all watched it. It was so cute. Good choice Chris. I think we ate Sonic again that night too. Haha. I got the scuba tot.

Monday: Headed back to school. Math test, ew. I was so worried afterwards. I thought I did terrible on it. Ate at Foy with Mel and Ian. I got a steak and cheese quesadilla from Salsarita's. It wasn't too bad. Don't remember much else from that day. I know I did some studying, but that's about it.

Tuesday: Back to having all my classes. Last week I didn't have English at 330. That was so nice. But we had to go back for the final week, which is understandable, but still, not going was pretty nice. I opened the windows like a beast. I don't know what happened, but it was awesome. I usually feel like passing out after trying to open our windows. They are just at a weird angle, so it makes them hard to open. Mel's dad came up to visit, so Mel, her dad, Zach and me all ate lunch CFA. Class. Boring. Oh, and take note, we were locked out of the bathroom for like the tenth time all year. See, one of our suite mates started a little thing about the bathroom and stuff. So I've kept record since then. I'm pretty sure it's like 10-3, but whatever. Twelve more days.

Wednesday: LAST ORIENTATION CLASS EVER! Yes. That class is so incredibly boring. Unfortunately, the guy talked. He is so so so so so redundant. He repeats himself over and over. He says the same thing a million different ways. Catch my drift. Thankfully we got out thirty minutes early, so I guess I should stop complaining. I thought we would get our tests back in math, but we didn't. Ugh. Chris came up. We went to see Clash of the Titans. It was okay I guess. Without him wanting to see it, I would have never seen it. It shouldn't have been in 3D though. There were so many opportunities for something to pop out of the screen, but nothing ever did. That was a waste. Then we ate at Golden Corral. That was good, too. I got fries, rice, corn, black eyed peas, mashed potatoes, baked beans, grapes, and a pickle. Haha. No meat. That's why I love buffets. In spite of what it seems, I do love veggies. And the occasional fruit. Then we went to this huge thrift store. Didn't find anything, but there was A LOT there. They did have this cute wicker vanity. I loved it. But I'm so over wicker at the same time. Then we hung out at the dorm until seven o'clock rolled around. Then he left. Then guess what happened?! CONCERT! Finally. We went and did something. Not that I didn't have fun hanging out with Chris, because I did. But I have been looking forward to this concert for like three weeks. It was Sister Hazel, Rocket Summer (who I don't see what the big deal is about, they weren't that great), and The Goo Goo Dolls. I didn't really know any of the bands that well, but it was still tons of fun. Melanee and I had fun people watching and laughing a ton. Then we went home around eleven and PASSED OUT! Haha.

Today: No econ. That was nice. Classes were boring, as usual. I owned my geology lab final. I was so stressed about it, but it was so easy. I also discovered the greatest thing: we just got Dippin' Dots on campus! Oh my gosh. I tried not to flip when I saw them. Of course I got some to go along with my lunch. Totally amazing. I got an A on my English paper: "C, this was strong, careful work on an important subject. Well done." Yay! He's liked all my papers though, so it's nothing new. But still nice. Oh, and by the way. When I checked Blackboard last night, I found out that I made an 89 on my math test! Yay again! Now I gotta study for my history, geology, econ, and math finals. Fun stuff. It won't be so bad though.. I hope.

Soon I'll be able to update more and actually say more random stuff. Like my current wish list. I'll have a job this summer so I can use my money to get stuff. I already know some things that I want. But again, that's another entry.

Have a wonderful weekend. I'll update... sometime!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Come again another day. Ugh. I'm not digging this too-rainy-and-wet-to-eat-outside business. I enjoy being able to eat outside, and the rain makes that a little challenging. Oh well. I guess we need some.

Wednesday afternoon: Chris came, of course :) We went to try and get my car fixed. Ugh. Stressful. Just got an oil change because it was going to be complicated. Then, we went to Tiger Town. Shopped at Hobby Lobby forever. My dad did a couple drives involving trading cars and coming back because we realized all my parking tags were still in my car. Then we went to Party City. They had tons of candy, but we didn't get any =/ I'll have to upload cell phone pictures later because I can't do it on the Mac. Lame. Then we met G & P at Longhorn. It was delicious, as always. We got the sampler desert too. OMGoodness. I highly recommend it. I didn't try the cheesecake part though. My Papa and Chris liked it. Then Chris and headed back to the dorm and chilled. It always hate it when he leaves.

Thursday: Turned in my English paper. Get this. It was supposed to be eight to ten pages long. My topic was No Child Left Behind. I had to take out three paragraphs so it wouldn't exceed ten pages. I'm not used to having that problem. I guess I had a lot to say. I hope I make a good grade on it; I'm sure I will. I was pretty thorough. I don't really remember much else. I never do when it comes to other crap during the week.

Friday: Lab was boring. Got out early so I ate lunch with Mel, Zach, and Ian. Math. Whatever. Went home. Melanee rode home with me, and it was a blast! We had so much fun. We jammed the whole way. I got stares for my dance moves and head banging. I absolutely love Colors of the Wind. Melanee had no idea. Best of all, a guy saw me playing my stand-up bass and singing Johnny Cash, and I was completely and totally embarrassed. It was awful. And of course, we were at a red light. I was screaming for the light to turn green. It took forever. I hung out with Chris before work. That's always nice. Dad and I ate at Olive Garden; it was much needed. The waitress gave us four mints, so I got three. Yay! I love those things.

Saturday: Hung out with Chris. Got my car washed. Slept for two hours after Chris went to work. It was a chill day.

Sunday: Went to Church of Living Water with Dad. Chris was super tired from work, so he didn't go. We had Arby's for lunch. Chris left for work. Then, guess what, new girl came in thinking she had to work, so Chris got off! I was "galloping" around the house all day because I was in a good mood. We had Popeye's for dinner! Yay. It's definitely a favorite of me. Dad, Chris, and I watched Seven Pounds. Apparently I don't cry enough in front of Chris, and he wanted to see me cry at a movie. It was a great day.

Monday: Hung out with Chris in the morning and then had to leave him. Boo. I don't like that part. The ride to Auburn definitely wasn't nearly as fun as the one home without Melanee. But I made it. Went to math. Got out twenty minutes early. That's always nice. Met up at the Student Center with Mel, Zach, and Ian and ate lunch like usual. The rest of the day, however, was not usual. We actually had some fun! Woo hoo! But before I get to that, I just remembered the most eventful thing about Thursday that I somehow forgot to mention!

Thursday night: Mel, Zach and I went to Moe's. We wanted to go do something because Mel and I had been so stressed out. So, Moe's it was. After Moe's, we were going to run to Blockbuster and rent a movie because it was around nine o'clock and figured that there weren't that many places to go and this point. So we walked across the street to Biggin, and Mel and I brushed our teeth. As we walked back to my dad's car, guess what was happening?! It was being towed!!!! OMG. I was totally trying my best not to freak. There were two guys there, the tow guy (TG) and some other random guy (RG) who I assume called the tow guy. We established that the car was mine after several ways of saying it, and RG says that it costs $50 to get the car off the tow right then. [Sidebar: I had bought Zach and Mel's dinner.] So the three of us busted out our money and paid TG. TG got me a receipt, I signed it, and that was that. TG said, "What a difference between two people." So I assume he had just dealt with a rude person. I told RG that I was confused because I thought you didn't have to pay after five on the meters. But apparently at "Toomer's Ten," you do. Stupid, yes. But whatever, I complied. As we patiently waited for TG to get the car off the tow, RG starts talking to us. I was fine until this point. Then I had to start looking away and breathing deeply so I wouldn't start crying. [P.S. it's five days later and I still haven't cried!] Here's how the conversation went down:

RG: Are y'all on campus?
Us Three: Yes sir.
RG: Well, y'all just got an email about getting fines and tows over here at Toomer's Ten.
Me: Really? I don't remember seeing that. [in a un-rude way] Plus, I never park over here anyway.
RG: Yup. In your AU Daily [which there is no such thing, it's AU weekly :)]. You should read it. There's some pretty helpful stuff in there.

Ugh. What a jerk. I did everything he asked me to politely, and then he gets on to me like he's my dad. New flash, RG, you're not. So don't get on to me. And, needless to say, Blockbuster was closed. What an end to a good to terrible night.

Monday cont'd: In a nut shell: it was great. Mel and I went shopping. I got red skinnies, lime green shorts, purple shorts, a "retro" dress, two pairs of earrings, purple leggings, a tank/cardigan thingy, glow sticks, short white leggings, fake glasses, black nail polish, and yellow nail polish. I think that's all. The woman at JC Penny was adorable. She was one of those cashiers who tells you her life story. It was sweet. Afterwards, I was completely broke. No cash in my wallet. Thankfully there is money in the back. Then we went back to the dorm. I painted my nails yellow. Mel and I met up with Zach and Ian, ate at the student center and then headed to stadium! Why? you ask. To watch a movie there! It was Star Trek, which I could care less about, but hey, the experience was great. Zach bought two things of Pringles to take, and guess what, no food or drink allowed. Zach and Ian hid them in the bushes. I was hyper and started talking like Melanee after so long. I slept pretty much the entire movie. Want some quotes?! Okay!

Me: What's Klingon?
Mel: Saran wrap?!

Me: The wind makes it feel like we're actually there.

Mel: I'll cut you!
Zach: With what..?
Mel: My face.

Afterwards, Zach and Ian dug around for the Pringles and eventually found them. I dropped everyone off. Went back to the dorm, and passed out.

Today: Not much to say. Boring, boring, boring.

Just when I think my posts can't get any longer, they do. Oh well.

I'll update sometime later. Won't say when since I never do on time.


Pictures! Yay!

A story goes with this that I forgot to mention. Melanee tells me at lunch on Monday that she heard a screaming noise coming from my closet Sunday night. I shook it off. We get back to the dorm, and Nork (one of the stuffed animals Chris gave me and my favorite) was missing. I kept questioning her, trying to figure out what happened to Nork. She denied that she didn't anything to him, then suggests that I check the note on my desk, which is in the above picture. It says "Mommy. Urgent!" on the outside. I unfolded it. It reads: "Dear Mom and Dad, I never meant to hurt you, but I just couldn't play house anymore! Your gayness makes me want to gag, so I have to leave. I am sorry for any pain that I have caused you. I love you both, even though you always treated me like I was some sort of... stuffed animal. Love Nork." I was freaking out. Then Mel said maybe those were the screams in the closet. I open the door, and look what I found:

I literally started screaming and fell to the floor. I couldn't believe it. She even kicked him, too. Right then. Ugh. It was tough. But he's okay. He's resting and everything is fine.

Melanee got the red jeans too. Here were are goofing at JC Penny.

Haha. Conceited, much?

Star Trek time! We're laughing, but it's cute. These are my fake glasses :)

The four of us squeezing in for a picture.

My yellow nails and glow bracelets (which were still glowing this morning). I had seven on by the end of the night.

Here's me in my fitted sheet cocoon. It was still freezing though.

Ready to get out of the cold.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tick, tick, tick...

That's the sound my car is making right now. I'm not sure exactly why. It's embarrassing. I feel like everyone watches me when I drive by. Chris and I are taking it to the dealership today. Hopefully everything is okay. Some guy friends said it sounded like I have a worn-out belt/chain or something. I have 48k+ miles on it, so apparently it's about that time.

I am so bad at updating. What can I say? I'm a busy girl. But I'm updating now. I won't be as detailed, because quite honestly I'm not sure that I remember that much. Let's get to it.

Wednesday: Skipped orientation and it felt good! I'm allowed one unexcused absence in there and I took it. I had a presentation in math. It went alright. I'm just glad to be done dealing with my group. Then I did wonderful studying pretty much the entire day. I told Chris he couldn't come up since I was busy. I still didn't even feel like I had everything done. We all met up to eat. I don't remember much. The guys came over with some rules: no music, no axes and allies/talking, no staying late. Music was played for a second, but when reminded of the rule, they stopped. They played axes and allies, but in silent. They ended up staying late even though I said they had to leave by ten. But it was okay because me and Mel were busy anyway. I almost ended up going to library and staying the entire night there to study because I was so stressed out. I didn't because I knew I'd regret it the next day. I still didn't sleep good though just from freaking out. Having three tests and half a paper due in one day is pretty stressful.

Thursday: The day I dreaded for the past two weeks just about. I thought econ went pretty well. I wasn't too worried. Besides the fact that I forgot my darn calculator! I had to do a problem where I put eight numbers in decimal form, square each of them, and then add them together. Then, the next question I had to take the first five with the same process, and then divide by the previous answer. Geeze. I was freaking out. There was math all over my test! Once I got out, I studied for history some more. I wasn't too sure about that one. But my grade was posted that night, 84 =). I wanted an "A," but I knew I didn't get one. So I was pleased, considering the circumstances. Then I studied my butt off for geology. The thing I was most stressed about. I had already e-mailed my English teacher and I said I couldn't make it to class because I had had food poisoning and that my day was hectic. He said it was totally fine. What a cool guy. Anyway, geology. Yeah, let's not talk about that. I absolutely knew some, and absolutely didn't know others. That night I just wanted to go out and do something fun. But I didn't. But it's cool.

Friday: Stress free. Lab was alright. Got lots of grades back. Mostly A's and a couple of B's. Not too shabby. Math. Had some homework due. Woo hoo. That class is usually pretty chill. Afterwards, came straight home. Hung out with Chris, like usual. He was off the entire weekend, so that was nice. I bought a Red Sox hat. Yay. And we went to Sonic, and guess what!? They didn't give me my Sea World toy because they ran out. I was bummed.

Saturday and Sunday: Relaxing. Working on my English paper. Some visits to the bowling alley. Watched stupid 1941. Wow. Never again. I slept pretty much the entire time. Sorry, Daddy. I'm sure it's a great movie, just not for me. Hehe.

Monday: Washed my clothes, get this, ALL BY MYSELF. Yup. Sure did. I gotta get ready to be able to do it on my own in my apartment. Plus, I feel bad making my dad do it every weekend. So I can do it now. I'm pretty proud of myself. Then I left for school. I was running a little late, but it worked out just fine. I worked on my paper a lot. It was a normal day.

Tuesday: Got my econ test back: 92! Yay! I was so pumped. Didn't get our tests back in geology though, I was disappointed. Ate lunch with the crew. I had some carrots and ranch, two corn dogs, a bag of Sour Cream & Onion Lays, and a Twix. Hit all the major food groups. Haha. I'd definitely say my appetite is back. Went to Greek Sing with Chris (not my bf, the other one), Byron, Nick, and Joey. It was fun. We left early, so I don't know who won. I'll have to find that out.

Today: Went to orientation and got freaked out my a woman telling us all about what it's like being a teacher. I still wanna do it though. Now I'm waiting for math to come and go so Chris will be here! We're eating out with my grents tonight. I can't wait. Longhorn. Heck to the yes. Maybe Chris and I can go shopping some more. It just seems to be my favorite thing lately.

I'll update later on this week. I won't be busy. I'm gonna try really hard.

Have a great afternoon!


Oh yeah! Here is a random video! What inspired Melanee to do this, I have no idea. But it's not littering because it's food. So it's okay.

Well, never mind. It didn't work. Sorry Charlie.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Ninety-seven point eight. That's my temperature right now. Great news, right? Well, you may not know since I haven't updated in a week! But I'm updating now, and that's all that matters. Should we start with today, or last week? Hm, decisions decisions. Let's go with last week, that way today will make more sense.

Tuesday night: Went to the Student Center like every Tuesday for dinner. Picked up Ian and his roommate, Chris. Zach was still at home. I continued to call Trey to tell him I was headed over there and such. We meet at six. At seven, after we had finished eating and Nick joined us and left, Trey calls to say he can't make it. I told him he was incorrect, that he didn't make it. Haha. But yeah.

Okay, my days are going to get confused, and I'm probably going to say I don't remember for some of this crap because, well, I don't.

Wednesday: Um. Let me think... went to orientation and math like usual. Chris came up. He, Mel, Ian, Zach and me ate at Coyote Jack's for lunch. No dessert Wednesday though, because Mel and I didn't feel like it. After that, Chris and I went to my dorm so I could brush my teeth. Then, we were headed to the mall at 2:30 when I realized I had an orthodontist appointment at 2:20. So, we got to the ortho at 2:35, and when I signed in the computer screen said, "You're signed in, Courtney. But you're late!" Then it said crap about "making the best of your and time and ours..." and blah blah blah. So, my five minute appointment took longer than expected since I was late, which apparently means the orthodontist is going to take ten minutes before he even looks at me. But it's whatev. By then, there wasn't time for the mall because we were supposed to be at the movies at like 6:30 or something. I can't remember because Chris kept saying the wrong time, and I had to correct him. We went to Zaxby's to kill time because he didn't eat earlier. Then, headed over to Carmike to see Shutter Island. Freakin' awesome, if my opinion is worth anything. It was such a great movie. While at the movies, I got a cramp in my foot, which led to a mental breakdown. I am such a cry baby sometimes. I just get so annoyed. Sometimes I think that I got enough of the sick stuff to last a lifetime. I don't want to be reminded of it every night. But, God is in control. I just have to continue to remind myself that. (Mom and I are looking into medicine for it though, because being interrupted during your sleep is annoying.) After the movie and sitting in Chris's truck for thirty minutes so I could look okay enough to go into the mall, we went to .. the mall! I've just been mall crazy lately. I don't know why. Then, went to the dorm for a bit. Terrell for dinner. Then, bye bye Chris =/ Then I went to the dorm and passed out, hah.

Thursday: The day I was supposed to register at four o'clock. Check the classes I wanted at 6:50 AM, guess what, all closed! So, skipped econ to redo my schedule for the third time. Then, went to class. Took my laptop to English. Got out early. Ran to the dorm. Waited for four o'clock and, needless to say, only got ten hours! I'm in desparate need for classes. I just don't want to waste my time taking things I don't need though. Immediately I got on the waiting lists for the things I needed. Hopefully things will work out. Registration is terrible. That night, Jessica (Mel's art friend), Mel, Zach, Ian, and I ate at the Student Center - surprise, surprise. It was fun though. Would you like some quotes? Thought so. Here you go:

(Talking about class rank)
Court: Yeah, I was like 26 or something.
Zach: That's good. What were you, Melanee?
Mel: I don't know, in the forties?
Zach: Really? How?
Mel: Well, my last name is Carlson
*Bursts of laughter*

Mel: Do you ever find poop in your shrimp?

So yeah. There are so fun quotes. I must admit, I had said "meeted" (instead of met, like an idiot; but I realized immediately) earlier that day. In my defense, I was stressed about registration. I don't remember much after that. Well, never mind. Jessica dropped all of us off at mine and Mel's dorm. So yeah, that happened. It was entertaining, as well.

Friday: Not too many people in class since it was Good Friday. Geology sucked, like usual. Math went by pretty fast. That was nice. I didn't go home though because I had a ton of studying to do. So I studied and trapped myself in my room. Had two drunk guys knock on my door, but they didn't do anything. They were just "being boys." I had Bruster's with Zach and two of his friends. They had some country accents, it was cool. One of them said, "what the deuce?" I've never heard that. Had Terrell. Popcorn shrimp and fries. Didn't eat much though. Maybe that's when I started getting sick...

Saturday: Didn't wake up feeling too great. Did some history. Packed. Went home. Hung out with Chris. Ate some tator tots from Sonic because that's all I could handle. Got a fever around five o'clock. Took Motrin and went to the movies with Bek, Zach, and Matt. We saw The Last Song. It was fantastic, besides the fact that I bawled my eyes out for about the last thirty minutes. Stopped by the bowling alley on my way home. Chris kicked me out though because his boss was mad. So I didn't really get to visit much :( Went home. Oh yeah, before the movies I had Captain D's with my mom. That was nice getting to hang out with her.

Sunday: Had a fever a three in the morning. Took Tylenol (my dad bought it Saturday night). Didn't feel up to going to church that morning, but I felt like it was completely wrong not to go, so I did. I had a half of a pop tart. Went to church at Destiny. It was awesome. Over 5,000 people came to the football stadium! It was so great. The human video made my eyes water. See, cry baby (that's three times so far in this entry). I was fine during the service, but felt bad again once I started walking and such. Dad made meatloaf, at my request. Mom came, too. It was nice. It was me, Chris, Dad, and Mom. The food was great, but I didn't have much of an appetite. I pretty much laid around the house. Had another breakdown when my group project had more drama (I've been leaving out those details, trying to erase it from my mind). So, yes. four times a cry baby. Came back up here. Met with the girls. Tried to study when I got back to the dorm, but I didn't have the energy. I ended up watching Boy Meets World until I could fall asleep. I had a PB&J sandwich that I had to force down, too.

Monday: Still feeling like crap. Can't remember if I ever had a fever that day. I weakly went to class. Made it back to the dorm. Studied. "Ate" tomato soup and a fortune cookie at like four o'clock. My fortune: You will witness a miracle soon. Went to library. Did some geology, but I couldn't focus. Group crap again got messed up. I'm so ready for this project to be over! Didn't do much else that night besides lay around and wish I was feeling better.

Today: As my fortune cookie said, a miracle happened. I woke up feeling just fine. In fact, I've waited all day to suddenly throw up or something. But nope, 5:25 and I still feel good! God is good. Well, since this is the longest blog in history, I think I'm gonna go. Gotta go to the Student Center soon anyway. Plus, I should be studying now that I feel better and have no excuse.

Goodnight. I'll try to update sooner, but I probably won't.

Belated Happy Easter :)


P.S. Melanee's been sick, too. She left me. She's back now. Unfortunately for her, she is still sick. But I hope she gets better as fast as I did.